Nestled deep in the enchanting southeast Cornish countryside, this charming cabin was thoughtfully designed in collaboration with the client. The project emphasises not only aesthetic appeal but also functionality and sustainability.
Read MoreFrom cabins to wooden framed structures, Josh mixes traditional techniques with a modern aesthetic. This execution means that he creates unique wooden spaces and buildings. Josh manages the project from enquiry, to design, build, installation and completion. As you will see in the projects below he has completed many different designs over the last few years. The garden buildings and outdoor covers have been used for home offices, music rooms, garden kitchens, workshops, outdoor dining areas, outdoor entertaining areas and home gyms.
When designing and building Josh focuses on using thoughtful and long-lasting materials that are, as much as possible, from sustainable, local and regenerative sources. Using a range of materials multiple times over allows for less wastage and a simple design. Past projects have included Green Oak, Kiln Dried Oak, Larch, Cedar Shingles, Tanalised Timber, Corrugated Metal, Feather Edge finishes, EPDM and Aluminium windows.
If you would like to discuss your ideas with Josh contact him - here.
“Based in Cornwall, Josh specialises uses a mix of traditional and modern techniques, his builds are managed from start to finish, with a focus on design and the materials used” - click here to learn more.
Nestled deep in the enchanting southeast Cornish countryside, this charming cabin was thoughtfully designed in collaboration with the client. The project emphasises not only aesthetic appeal but also functionality and sustainability.
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